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Hi! I need your support =) When you rename VM - name of the folder and names of the files inside that folder remains old. After renaming VM you need to migrate VM to actually change folder/files names. And now I'm in situation when all VM's reside in only vSAN datastore cluster and I don't know where and how I can rename all the names?

Hari Prasad
Hari Prasad
26 сент. 2023 г.

Renaming a VM in VMware does not automatically rename the associated files and folders on the datastore. As you've noted, a typical way to address this is to migrate the VM to another datastore (Storage vMotion), which would give you an option to rename the files/folders to match the VM's new name. However, in a situation where you only have a vSAN datastore cluster and no other datastores to migrate to, the process is a bit more involved.

Here's a general approach you can take to rename the VM folder and associated files:

  1. Backup: Before making any changes, ensure you have a backup of the VM.

  2. Power Off the VM: Ensure the VM is powered off.

  3. Rename the VM Files: a. Using the vSphere Client, browse to the vSAN datastore where the VM resides. b. Navigate to the old folder of the VM. c. Download (or make note of) the .vmx file for the VM. This will be important for re-registering the VM later. d. Rename all the files in the VM folder to reflect the new VM name. Make sure to maintain the same file extensions.

  4. Rename the VM Folder: a. Still in the datastore browser, go up one level to see the list of VM folders. b. Rename the VM's folder to match the new VM name.

  5. Update the .vmx File: a. Edit the downloaded .vmx file using a text editor. b. Look for entries that reference the old VM name and update them to the new VM name. c. Upload the edited .vmx file back to the renamed folder on the vSAN datastore, replacing the old .vmx file.

  6. Re-register the VM: a. From the vSphere Client, right-click on the host or cluster where you want the VM to reside. b. Choose Register VM. c. Navigate to the renamed folder on the vSAN datastore and select the .vmx file. d. Follow the prompts to complete the VM registration.

  7. Power On the VM: After verifying everything is in order, power on the VM.

  8. Check & Test: a. Once the VM is powered on, check to ensure all its functions work as expected. b. Verify network connectivity, applications, and services.

This process essentially involves manually renaming the VM files and then re-registering the VM with vCenter. Remember, always proceed with caution, ensure you have backups, and perform these steps during a maintenance window or when the impact is minimal.


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