Let's start with a brief introduction and then move on to interview preparation.
Introduction to Groovy:
Basic Syntax:
Like Java, Groovy requires classes and methods.
It's less verbose; you don't need semicolons at the end of each line.
You can define variables using def.
def name = "ChatGPT"
println "Hello, $name"
2. Data Types:
Groovy supports all Java data types.
Dynamic typing with the def keyword.
def list = [1, 2, 3]
maps: def map = ['name': 'Chat', 'type': 'AI']
3. Control Structures:
If-else, loops, and switch-case structures are similar to Java but with a simpler syntax.
4. Closures:
A closure is a short, anonymous block of code that can take arguments, return a value, and be assigned to a variable.
def greet = { name -> println "Hello, $name" }
5. Builders:
Groovy has built-in builders like MarkupBuilder for XML, JsonBuilder for JSON, etc. They provide a neat way to produce these outputs.
6. Integration with Java:
You can use Java libraries directly in Groovy.
7. Groovy Shell (groovysh):
An interactive shell for running Groovy scripts.
8. Grails:
A web application framework that leverages Groovy
Interview Preparation:
Sample Interview Questions:
Basic Understanding:
What is Groovy, and how is it different from Java?
Explain dynamic typing in Groovy.
Syntax & Semantics:
What is the use of the def keyword?
How do you define a closure in Groovy and provide an example?
What are Groovy Builders, and why are they useful?
Explain how Groovy handles null values.
Advanced Topics:
How does Groovy enable metaprogramming, and what are its benefits?
Describe the difference between GString and a regular Java String.
Practical Scenarios:
Given a list of integers, write a Groovy script to filter out even numbers and square the remaining ones.
How would you handle JSON parsing in Groovy?